Tomaca Radio

Friday, October 3, 2008

My Mentor

Just a note to acknowledge my friend who has worked with me in music for the past two plus years.

He has helped me to open up my eyes which led to the opening of my mind and my senses. I see a broader spectrum of the world thanks to him.

He always forces me to think about the root of my actions. Why I did something a certain way, what emotions or baggage were behind it thus helping me to continue to grow beyond who and what I am.
Music is a prayer. This is his mantra. I understand it with my mind, but have yet to been able to incorporate the meaning of this into my life. But, it will come.

Being "still" is something that very few people do. Of course, he does. It is constantly, constantly reinforced to me. To still yourself means to meditate and to become an observer of yourself and life in general. It is to connect directly with the All That Is that is part of us.

I immensely enjoy moments of quiet and seclusion on the rare occasions that I have them. I've yet to still my mind in those moments. Things around me a quiet and still, but my mind is always as busy as ever -- thinking, planning, calculating, working, talking... I will get there though.
I just wanted to acknowlege him and thank him for having the patience of Job to deal with a music kindergardner like myself. Music is a meal; my voice is part of that meal. There is no separation of the two.

Yeah, it's deep and there's much more to the lessons and the learning. So, to the boss - thank you, I love you, respect you and cherish the lessons you've taught me. I also thank you for not giving up on me and teaching me to respect the gift and bringing my life to a new level.

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