Kelly sang this one song she wrote called "Breathe You In." It was beautiful. I got on her email list and told her to let me know when the cd was done because I wanted to buy it.
She would send emails to let people know what she was doing and of her progress. It took 2 years, but the cd was finally done. I bought it and was pleased with the work and with the song that she wrote that I loved so much. This was about six years ago.
Her emails told of her travels, her self-created tour of the eastern coast of the US where she talked about how her car would break down in the middle of nowhere, she hit a deer on the road and it smashed her windshield, she was starving because she made very little money on the road, etc. But, it was an adventure for her, she was having fun, making friends and singing, and I appreciated being with her via her bi-weekly and monthly email reports. I cheered her on at every opportunity.
She released four cds and was working on the 5th one which was about healing. During this process her vocals improved, her musicianship improved and she grew up.
Realizing today that I hadn't gotten an email from my singing friend in quite sometime, I went to her website and was so saddened to hear that she suffered traumatic brain injury during an accident in March of this year. Ascap is hosting a fundraiser for her at The Knitting Factory in September. I will be there to again be her cheerleader and to support this young lady who was a catalyst for me in my own life.Kelly Buchanan, thank you for being you and inspiring me. I love you and cheer for you.